Help Dave find Ho Moc San
Episode 121: Vietnam Vet Dave “Drifter” Christopher talks about how he lost contact with his good friend Ho Moc San after the war ended. He’s now retired in Vietnam and been searching for him for years but with no luck. Let’s help Dave find him. If you’re someone who has a knack for finding people or just likes doing this kind of search Dave would really appreciate the help. Below is Ho Moc San’s photos and what Dave knew about him.
Ho Moc San was from Ba Ngoi, just north of Cam Ranh town. He worked at Dong Ba Thin, home of the 92nd Assault Helicopter Company, as a mechanic for several years.
If you could help Dave find Ho Moc San he would be really appreciative. You can contact dave with any information at or Dave’s Facebook.
Thank you!
Ho Moc San
Ho Moc San