

Misfits and Rejects

A podcast about the lifestyle design of expatriates, travelers, entrepreneurs and adventurers.

M&R Episode 112: Willo loves you! Transform your life and manifest your big business ideas.


In Episode 112 I sat down with expat Willo Sana. She is a transformational business coach who helps entrepreneurs hatch their big ideas. She draws upon twenty plus years of online entrepreneurial experience. She’s co-founded multiple startups and was blogging before blogging became cool. Now she lives in Asia enjoying sundresses and flip-flops year round. Get super inspired with Willo as she talks us through her journey and how she helps individuals birth their big ideas. Enjoy!

Show notes: WilloLovesYou.com, Willo’s FREE Master Class, Willo’s Book Recommendations, Double Down On Your Genius, Wake Up With Willo, Follow Misfits on Insta, Support Misfits and Rejects on Patreon, Get a Misfits and Rejects T-shirt or Tank

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